Monday, 21 September 2009

Hello from Celine

Celine would like to say hello to everyone at Plum Communications and all our customers!

As Plum Communication's new Marketing Manager I am currently undertaking market research in order to gain a deeper insight into the specific services that our customers require with the aim of further improving our service to them.

On another note, i would like to express my grief over the weekend's Manchester derby result, we were robbed! (:,

Monday, 14 September 2009

New Marketing Manager

Celine Woodfield has today joined Plum as Marketing Manager.

Celine is a graduate in Management (Marketing) from the University of Manchester (Manchester Business School) and will be responsible for helping shape the marketing strategy for the company.

She will also be talking to our customers to find out what they like about Plum and asking if there is anything we can do to improve the service we provide.

During the next months you will hear more from Celine as she takes over the blogspot.

Please help us improve our service to you by taking part in the surveys and by providing us with your feedback.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Rhodri wished well for the Future

Rhodri Lloyd has left Plum Communications and moved on to pastures new.

Rohdri joined Plum Communications in September 2008 as marketing manager and was responsible for improving our customer communications. He was responsible for introducing our presence on social networking sites facebook, linked in and twitter.

Part of the challenge he faced was to keep customers informed of new developments in our services such as Voice Over IP telephony, fax to email services, call conferencing and inbound call handling. He made improvements to the Plum Blog and email communciations to deliver this information to our customers.

We thank Rhodri for the work he has done with us and wish him well in his future career.