Monday, 17 March 2014

Remote Working And Technology: What You Need To Know


Your Company’s Mobile Phone Policy

The paper also reports that because there has been mass consumerisation of IT in recent years, particularly with the advent of Smart Phones, many people integrate their own personal mobile devices with business.  It advises that while this can save costs for businesses it is important to remember that it does not offer any security or safety measures. It recommends that businesses should undertake an assessment of all mobile workers’ technology needs to develop a clear mobile device strategy.

What Is Unified Communications?

Unified Communication systems allow workers to communicate on a number of different mediums e.g. if you send a voicemail to a colleague he/she has the option of picking this up on an email. The idea behind Unified Communications is to allow users to correspond in the best medium for any given piece of information and get answers as quickly as possible.

Unified communications uses the following different types of real-time communications services:
  • Instant messaging

  • Presence information

  • IP Telephony

  • Speech recognition

  • Video conferencing

  • Interactive whiteboards

  • Finding The Right Remote Worker Technology With Plum Communications

    If you are considering employing people who need remote access then Plum Communications can provide you with the right solution. The Plum Homeworker is a popular product as it affordable, reliable and efficient. We are also accredited to sell and install the following products and solutions:


  • Cisco

  • SonicWall

  • Microsoft

  • Nokia

  • HP

  • Netgear

  • We supply services from a range of suppliers including  BT Openreach, Talk Talk Business, Vodafone, Enta, Gamma, O2, EE, 3, Microsoft, Cisco, Avaya.
    If you would like more information and advice on any of our
    telecoms solutions then please get in touch with us on 0161 622 3500.


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