Thursday, 1 October 2020



Our office move passed without ceremony at the end of September. We left the premises we had occupied since 2001 and moved to refurbished offices at The Earl Business Centre in Oldham. Situated within Earl Mil on Dowry Street the business centre offers a range of high specification offices to businesses and has a secure attended reception area.

The move will provide better facilities for our staff and visitors and it is our intention to have a permanent display of our hosted services within a dedicated training room. However, it may be some time before we can use the facilities as like many others we are working from home.

When we consider it is appropriate to re-open to visitors, we will extend a warm welcome to anyone who wishes to visit and discover the exciting services which we have available. In the meantime, we are happy to discuss your requirements by telephone or video meeting.

We still provide on site service for our customers, where possible equipment is sent to your office pre-configured for self-installation but if engineer installation is required it is arranged and we can provide most of our support services remotely.

The new address is Earl Business Centre, Dowry Street, Oldham OL8 2PF, telephone numbers and email addresses are not changed. For service and enquiries please call 0161 622 3500 and email      

Remember, if you need help with your own office move please contact us.

Stay safe.


Peter Savic

Peter Savic
Plum Communications Limited
For service please contact us by email or telephone 01616223500.

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